Third Place, La Fond Galleries 8th Annual National Juried
Exhibition, Pittsburgh, PA , 2002
First Place, Grand Valley Artists, Fall Show, Grand Rapids,
MI, 2001
Honorable Mention, Art Michigan, Lansing Art Gallery, Lansing,
MI, 2001
Sennelier Pastel Award, Great Lakes Pastel Society, 2nd
Member’s Juried Exhibition, Jackson, MI, 2001
Honorable Mention, La Fond Galleries 7th Annual National
Juried Exhibition, Pittsburgh, PA, 2001
Runner-up, Fourth Biennial International Assn. of Pastel Societies
Exhibition Cover Competition, Santa Fe, NM, 2001
The Art Times Award, Pastel Society of America 28th Annual
Exhibition, New York, NY, 2000
National Arts Club Purchase Award, Pastel Society of America
28th Annual Exhibition, New York, NY, 2000
Finalist, Pastel Artist International Magazine Awards for World-
Wide Pastel Excellence, 2000
Honorable Mention Award, Grand Valley Artists Members Show,
Grand Rapids, MI, 2000
Finalist, The Pastel 100, The Pastel Journal International
Juried Competition, Corrales, NM, 2000
Artisan/Santa Fe Award, Pastels On High International
Exhibition 2000, Placerville, CA, 2000
Best 2-Dimensional Award, 14th Annual West Michigan
Regional Competition, Lowell, MI, 2000
Award of Excellence, Degas Pastel Society, Members Exhibition,
New Orleans, LA, 1999
1st Runner-up to Best of Show, Pastel Painters Society of Cape
Cod, 4th Annual Exhibition, Chatham, MA, 1999
Fris Award, Holland Friends of Art, 36th Annual Juried
Exhibition, Holland, MI, 1999
New Orleans Art Assn. Award of Merit, Degas Pastel Society,
7th Biennial Nat’l..Exhibition, New Orleans, LA, 1998
Juror Award, Grand Valley Artists, Juried Old Kent Bank Show,
Grand Rapids, MI, 1996
First Place, New Mexico Art League National Small Painting
Show, Albuquerque, NM, 1996
Best of Show Award, Grand Valley Artists Fall Juried Show,
Grand Rapids, MI, 1995